Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cruelty update: Destiny

Destiny was rescued by HSOY on Saturday March 28. She was found starved with severe pneumonia. The staff questioned whether she would survive. She was sent to a foster home where she was put on a high dosage of antibiotics, breathing treatments, percussion therapy and fed every two hours. She has been a giant success and gets stronger everyday. She is as sweet as can be. She loves children and other dogs. She loves to play and give kisses. She is good in the car and on a leash. She has also made a good friend in her foster home named Chopper, a wiener dog. He immediately took to Destiny and cared for her when she was down. He would lay with her when she was too weak to walk and play with her now that she is strong.

HSOY and her foster parents are so proud of Destiny. Out of her story, the shelter has been able to highlight and address animal cruelty in our community. HSOY, as always, is proud to give a voice to the voiceless and is pressing charges on Destiny's behalf. Thank you to everyone including Desert Veterinary Clinic, Rebecca Curtis and the fantastic staff at HSOY who has helped her. Destiny will soon be available for adoption and will bring much happiness to someone's home. She is a true success story.  

March 28 weighed under 30 pounds

April 17 weighed 43 pounds

P.S. The last two undated photos were taken when Kyla brought Destiny down to the shelter last week to have her shots! Everyone at the shelter was ecstatic to see her.