Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Local Church raises funds for our Shelter

On December 10, 2009, the Fellowship Committee of Gloria De Cristo’s Lutheran Church presented the Humane Society of Yuma with a check of $477.32.
The Fellowship Committee and many other wonderful volunteers led by Gladys Magstadt and Jerry Stapleton spent four days of the Thanksgiving weekend at the 72nd & 73rd annual Desert Southwest Cluster Dog.  The Fellowship Committee ran the Fund Raiser Food Booth, which proved to be one of their greatest outreach projects into the community. The Humane Society of Yuma is extremely grateful for the fundraising efforts of the Fellowship Committee. It is because, of organizations such as the Gloria De Cristo Lutheran Church, that we are able to thrive and provide the necessary care for our many animals, says Erin Sitera, Director of Development.  Our four-legged friends thank them from the tips of the their noses to the tips of their wagging tails!