Thursday, March 4, 2010

State reports Fox tests positive for rabies in Yuma County

Yuma, Ariz. – A gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) that attacked a dog in Roll on February 22nd has tested positive for rabies by the Bureau of State Laboratory Services, 250 N. 17th Avenue, Phoenix, 85007.  Without testing there is no way to know if the dog, whose rabies vaccine record was not updated, contracted the rabies virus from the fox. The dog had to be impounded and later euthanized by the Humane Society of Yuma (HSOY) as part of the protocol in place when rabies is suspected. Test results on the dog have yet to be confirmed by the State Health Laboratory. 

“Our very last resort is to euthanize any animal,” explains Shawn Smith, HSOY Director. “One of the greatest lessons we can learn from the painful decision this family had to make is keep your pets shot records current.”

Arizona state law requires unvaccinated dogs that have been exposed to rabies be either quarantined at the shelter for 180 days or euthanized. Vaccinated dogs, however, are only required to be in quarantine for 45 days. In addition, vaccinated dogs can remain at home during quarantine with the consent of the animal control officer. The quarantine requirements for dogs exposed to rabies should not be confused with the requirements for bite dogs. Unvaccinated bite dogs must be quarantined for ten days at the shelter, whereas vaccinated dogs are allowed to be quarantined at home with the animal control officer's consent.   

In this case, the owner decided that six months of solitary confinement would take too great of toll on the dog's quality of life.

“This appears to be an isolated case of rabies, but we will not know for sure until the State reports its findings on the dog, and the Health District completes its’ investigation,” explained Becky Brooks, Yuma County Health District director. “It is a good time to remind our community of the precautions they should be taking to avoid exposure.”

Anyone concerned about an animal suspected of having rabies should call the HSOY at (928) 782-1621. For more information about the rabies virus contact the Yuma County Health District at (928) 317-4040.

HSOY will hold vaccination and licensing clinics on Saturday, March 6 at Dateland School 10am - 12pm and Wellton's Butterfield Park from 2 - 4pm.


Any wild mammal, like a raccoon, skunk, fox, coyote or bat, can have rabies and transmit it to people. The animal need not be foaming at the mouth or be exhibiting rabies symptoms. Changes in the animal's normal behavior, difficulty with walking, or just an overall appearance of illness can be early signs of rabies. For example, skunks, which normally are nocturnal and avoid contact with people, may appear friendly or ill and may approach humans during daylight hours.

As for bats, a bat that is active by day; is found in a place where bats are not usually seen, such as in your home or on the lawn; or is unable to fly is far more likely than others to be rabid. Such bats are often the most easily approached, but should not be handled.

Use the following tips to prevent rabies:

  • Teach children never to handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they appear friendly. "Love your own, leave other animals alone" is a good principle for children to learn.
  • Wash any wound from an animal thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention immediately.
  • Have all dead, sick or easily captured bats tested for rabies if contact with people or pets may have occurred.
  • Prevent bats from entering living quarters or occupied spaces in homes, churches, schools and other similar areas where they might contact people and pets.
  • Be a responsible pet owner by keeping vaccinations current for all dogs, cats and ferrets, keeping your cats and ferrets inside and your dogs under direct supervision and calling animal control to remove stray animals from your neighborhood. Consider having your pets spayed or neutered.
  • When camping, hunting and/or hiking in isolated areas be aware of your surroundings, and remember that there are wild animals that inhabit the desert.